Care Plan Services

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine (plant medicine), has been used for centuries to support a healing process for many complaints in ill health.

As research and scientific evidence grow to support the use of herbal medicine in multiple facets of health, so too does the request for many to use this in their health journey.

Herbal medicine can be used in various forms, tablet, liquid extract, external creams and salves, even infused as a nice gentle tea drink.

Herbal medicines are considered a safe option with little to no side effects, however they can be dangerous if taken with the wrong medications or health conditions. It is important to see a professional trained in dispensing for these reasons.

Nutritional Medicine

Food is the fuel source that keeps our body working with us each and every day, the foods we eat will determine the way we feel.

A combination of less than ideal agricultural processes & international importation of fresh produce & chemicals have fueled a loss of integrity in our foods nutritional content. This is part of why Australians are suffering from many common nutritional deficiencies affecting their every day health.

We use supplementation for any deficiencies, along with clean eating and food quality education.

Energetic Medicine & Lifestyle Modification

Emotional and spiritual health are an equal part of importance to our health care plans.

Learning how to identify and process emotional trauma, spiritual healing or beliefs & self care are all daily practices that have shown to greatly increase the overall health of women and children in certain situations.

empowerment to take control of our own health and wellbeing is a major underlying factor to weather we achieve our health goals or not!

Some tools we use in this area of health are,

*flower or homeopathic energetic medicines.

*mindfulness techniques.

*daily movement and breath.

*many various lifestyle additions to help support and regulate the nervous system & hormone regulation.

“Herbal Medicine,

Heals The Soul”